Identity Theft: What's the real problem? Who really cares?

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(See UPDATE below.)This week, in a decision that has left consumer advocates, privacy experts and even competing identity theft companies scratching their heads, the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California granted Experian's motion for partial summary judgment on its claim for unfair competition against LifeLock. But the lawsuit is far from over. And the Fair Credit Reporting Act mandates that if one credit bureau is notified of a request to place a fraud alert on a consumer credit file, that bureau must then notify the other two. So what's the problem with placing fraud alerts -it's costly to Experian.

See more here of my SunSentinel Editorial Blog;
Memo to Experian: Identity theft is the problem, not your competitors!

Earlier this week the Identity Theft Resource Center came out with a new study titled: Identity Theft; The Aftermath 2008.

In the recently released report the ITRC noted that they "firmly believes that only a collaborative effort that includes identity theft victims, subject matter experts, business, law enforcement and government will provide us with the tools needed to battle identity thieves. Unless we adopt a policy of "it is us" against the criminals, the criminals will continue to win" MORE here.

I don't think Experian got that memo...

Please note that this blog was written in 2009. My views on identity theft protection services have greatly changed, as did the services offered, the policies and less than transparent partnerships. In an effort to ensure these older blogs don't mislead readers, please take time to check the date of any blog relating to identity theft protection services. Anything dated pre-2012 that has not been updated, should NOT be considered as an accurate portrayal of today's informed opinions. 


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