If not careful "here you have" a virus...

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A new Internet worm dubbed "Here You Have" is streaming into worldwide inboxes, offering a dangerous payload. The worm, which travels via spam email with the subject line of "Here you have," or "Just for you," masquerades as an email with a link to a video or an attached document file and often appears to come from a friend -or someone you know.

But as usually is the case these days, the email actually contains a link to a malicious program that can disable your virus protection and send itself to everyone in your address book. 

Corporations around the world were particularly affected by the worm last week and now it seems to have set its sites on the rest of us. McAfee Labs has labeled the worm as a "medium" risk, and warns all computer users to delete any email with the "Here you have," or "Just for you," subject line.

They warn that although the dangerous link has been taken down, neutralizing the threat, it can still spread through remote machines, mapped drives and removable media.

Symantec noted the worm appears to be a new malware attack but is similar to the "Anna Kournikova" virus from 2001, which also carried the subject "Here you have." (The virus tricked users into opening an e-mail message supposedly containing a picture of tennis player Anna Kournikova.)

Symantec speculates that the threat -- initially named Trojan.Horse but renamed to W32.Imsolk.A@mm -- originated from a botnet.

Here's how the worm works;

The Hook: You receive a spam email with the subject line "Here you have," or "Just for you," and a link or attachment that looks like it leads to a video or document file. It may appear that the email comes from someone you know.

The Methods: The email invites you to click on the link, and once you do it prompts you to download a file. This file is actually malware that disables the security software on your machine and sends itself to everyone listed as a contact in your address book.

The Dangers: Once you are infected, your computer has diminished security protection. Your machine is also being used to spam your friends and contacts. If you are on a corporate network, the network could be clogged as the worm works its way through address books.

Bottom Line: Do not click on the link in any email with the subject header "Here you have," or "Just for you," even if it appears to be from someone you know.

Tips to Avoid Becoming a Victim:

  • Never click on embedded links, or dial phone numbers left in unsolicited emails
  • Be suspicious of strange emails from family or friends that contain links: their accounts may have been compromised
  • Keep virus protection software up-to-date
  • Keep firewall settings secure
  • Use care when using wireless networks
  • Set your operating system to install automatic updates

The best way to avoid falling victim to a cyber crime --is to stay informed and alert to the latest scams.  Think fraud! If not now, when?

ABC News

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