Elizabeth Warren on The Colbert Report: America without Pants

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Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel, Elizabeth Warren, made an appearance on The Colbert Report earlier this week. When asked to say something about the financial reform package being offered by the Republicans,  Prof. Warren once again responded in her treasured say-it-like-it-is style  ---"They will take the heads of all the agencies that failed us -the ones that feel asleep at the wheel and didn't protect us...put them in a committee -and put the committee in charge."

The Senate is currently debating S. 3217, the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010. Today,  Americans for Financial Reform and their 250 coalition partners applauded the Senate for rejecting - on a bipartisan basis - the republicans' version of their financial reform package. Elizabeth Warren supports strong financial regulatory oversight -reforms that will put rules back on Wall Street -and the pants back on America!  See earlier blog to find out how you can follow the votes and learn about any amendments.

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The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Elizabeth Warren
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