The Home Run

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In a world where people don't always play fair -this short film reminds us just how good it feels when we watch people who do.  Maybe it will inspire others to do the same. 

This is a true story that actually happened, April 26th 2008, in a softball game between Western Oregon College and Central Washington University. Do yourself a favor and take a few minutes to watch it...

What would you do?
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WOW!! How inspiring for anything that life throws at you. Thank you for posting this. It makes it more special to know that this actually did happen that there truly are good people out there that actually DO play fair.

Thank you Denise. This was absolutely wonderful.

Straight up!! This is by far the best thing I have seen in a VERY, very long time. A lot of people can learn from the class and sense of fairness these girls displayed. I was touched by this. We have been going through difficult times for quite awhile and seeing there are people out there who still care about each other made my night. Thanks for the reminder that NOT all people are out for themselves.

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