January 2010 Archives

Image by rubenerd via FlickrWhile many consumers feel betrayed and upset believing that banks continue to sit high and mighty on their perch on the shoulders of the average American citizen, credit cardholders and homeowners alike struggle to come to...
Image via WikipediaHarvard Law Professor and Chairman of the TARP Oversight Committee, Elizabeth Warren made another appearance on The Daily Show last night. When sharing her knowledgeable viewpoint on CEO's, banks and people in power she declared, "They get it....
(SEE Update below) You can't stop identity theft, so you have to take measures to reduce your risk and the impact one can bring into your life before it occurs.  In a more secure manner than ever, new technological identity...
If you are stuck with a high-interest credit card and your credit card provider refuses to lower your interest rate, you may consider transferring your outstanding balance to a new card.But simply put --borrower beware! Before you agree to a...
An earlier blog noted the filing of class action lawsuits over the illegal suspensions of home equity credit lines by Wells Fargo, WAMU, Chase, and others without cause.The lawsuit alleges that the big banks engaged in mass reductions of Home...
The FBI continues to receive reports of counterfeit check scheme targeting U.S. law firms. As previously reported scammers are sending e-mails to lawyers claiming to be overseas and seeking legal representation to collect delinquent payments from third parties in the...
CNBC's Diana Olick reports that for homes with two mortgages, the second mortgage holder is often demanding a short sale buyer pay them in cash on the side, and they're not disclosing it. And that's against the law.Diana Olick from...
A UPS scam is circulating throughout the web in the form of an email that lands in potential victims mailbox. It can be dangerously convincing, especially to those who often receive packages from UPS. (See email below)Victims are lured into...
With the beginning of a new decade, the 2010 census is in place to gather information for the Census Bureau regarding housing, economic, and demographic information. This data is used to determine the number of Congressional representatives each state gets...
For lots of us, the goal for 2010 is to make it as little like 2009 as possible. And for millions of Americans, that means trying to get a fresh start on their mortgages after Wall Street ravaged the economy.But...
There is a cold chill running throughout this country -and it's not necessarily all about mother nature. Though most of us will soon begin to thaw-out from this latest arctic blast, there seems to be deep freeze surrounding Wall Street...
They say a picture says a thousand words. In this case a picture may win you a thousand dollars. Do you have an image that sums up your feelings on the big banks and the dangers of debt?  If so,...
Loan servicers act as middlemen between borrowers making mortgage payments and investors who own their loans.  It's the loan servicing company that is responsible for  managing the loan. Though they play a crucial role in the subprime mortgage mess, they...
Image by Don Hankins via FlickrIdentity theft experts agree that once you fall victim to fraud, odds are pretty good it will happen to you again. Identity theft victims go one further: in addition to being the target of a random...
A memoir exposing the steep price consumers pay when facing mortgage servicing errors, inaccurate credit reporting, illegal debt collection practices, identity theft and weak consumer protection laws. THE BOOK » DENISE'S STORY »