Don't Fall for Scammers Using a Variety of Valentine's Day Scams

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McAfee, Microsoft and even the FBI have announced a noticeable increase in the amount of tricks and traps placed on the web by scammers who are using Valentines Day as their hook. Playing to our softer side, scammers direct us to Valentine's themed pages that will download and install malicious software. See Video:


Beware of Bogus Valentine's Day Card Scam

Be especially careful not to open Valentines Day Cards or click on links that direct you to sites that will then download malicious spyware. Tens of millions of fake Valentine's Day greeting-card messages will be sent out this Valentine's Day, and it's likely you will receive one.

The e-mail will direct you to click on a link to retrieve your special electronic e-card. Beware. When you click on the link, a virus and malicious malware may be triggered to download onto your computer.

The spyware that is installed often includes a key-logger program, which tracks the sites you visit while also logging every keystroke you make on your computer. Key-logger software can record user names, passwords, account numbers and personal PIN numbers, too. Ultimately, every key you press on the keyboard is captured. Everything you type into word-processing documents, spreadsheets or e-mail programs is recorded too.

See screen shots and McAfee warning here: New Valentine Scam on the Loose

Alert: Beware of Skype Email Scam

Websense Security Labs, ThreatSeeker Network has spotted an emerging malicious spam lure, masquerading as a message from Skype.The spammed message uses Skype's logos and themes, posing as a Valentine promotion.

With a couple days to go before Valentine's day, the fake promotion entices the user into sending a free Valentine video message to a loved one. The proposed video link in the message leads to a malicious compressed archive file named valentine.exe. See screen shots and find more information on this scam at their website here

Tips to help you avoid having more than your heart stolen this Valentine's Day!

Beware of Valentine's email scams

Do not respond to unsolicited (spam) e-mail

Do not click on links contained within an unsolicited e-mail.

Open attachments only if from known senders.
Don't supply personal information to anyone soliciting it

Always compare the link in the e-mail to the link that you are actually directed to.

Log on to the official website instead of "linking" to it from an unsolicited e-mail.

Make sure you have a firewall and up-to-date antivirus software running on your computer at all times and update any available Security Patches.

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