What those "You Can't Sue Me" Clauses Really Mean...Are the Cards Stacked Against you?

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The City of San Francisco is suing the National Arbitration Forum on behalf of California consumers.

According to statistics compiled by the state, credit card companies won 99 percent of of arbitration cases heard by NAF in California from 2003 to 2007.

And from 2003 to 2007, NAF never ruled against a credit company that initiated a case against a customer in California, according to the lawsuit.

"To me the outrage is that a company is selling justice on the backs of some of our most economically vulnerable people," said San Francisco city attorney Dennis Herrera.

ABC News contacted a former judge for the National Arbitration Forum, Harvard law professor Elizabeth Bartholet, who says she was forced to quit after ruling 19 times in favor of the credit card companies but then ruled once in favor of the customer in her 20th, and final, case.

"I was removed because I had ruled for a consumer in one case," Bartholet said. "You have a system of purchased justice. It's completely different from our public justice system."

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For more info on binding mandatory information see: GiveMeBackMyRights.org

And tune into SpotLight Thursday, June 5th at 1:pm to hear our guests: Listen to Welcome to

Ira Rheingold, Executive Director and General Counsel of the National Association of Consumer Advocates and Janet Ahmad, President of HomeOwners for Better Building discuss the costly and harmful effects on consumers, our rights and the justice system.

See earlier blogs: You Can't Sue Me...

The Ugly Truth About Binding Arbitration

What's really behind the small print that says "You Can't Sue Me"...?

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