February 2007 Archives

FTC ID Theft Video with Info on Prevention and What Victims Should Do This is a nearly 11 minute video put out by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on identity theft. It contains a wide variety of information; both on...
A message from Public Justice... Have you had an award issued against you by the National Arbitration Forum, on a debt you never owed to begin with, after objecting to the arbitration to no avail? Or did you experience NAF...
CONSUMER INVESTIGATION: In A Bind Got a beef with your builder? Your credit card company? Your cell phone provider? Chances are, going to court is not an option. When you signed your contract, you signed up for binding arbitration --...
There are two facets to medical identity theft; one is financial and the other involves your health care. Medical identity theft happens when a thief uses your social security number or health insurance to obtain medical services, health benefits -including...
NINTH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONSUMER PROTECTION WEEK: READ UP, REACH OUT, and BE AN INFORMED CONSUMER. Give Me Back My Credit! has joined a group of federal, state, and local government agencies and national consumer advocacy organizations to launch the ninth...
A memoir exposing the steep price consumers pay when facing mortgage servicing errors, inaccurate credit reporting, illegal debt collection practices, identity theft and weak consumer protection laws. THE BOOK » DENISE'S STORY »